Category: International Taekwon-Do (2) Worldwide TKD websites | Referrals | |
Taekwon-do International (TI) TI | 808 | |
Taekwon-Do Tutor TKD Tutor assists in learning the Art of Taekwondo by providing comprehensive information on all aspects of the art. | 715 |
Category: TAGB and other UK sites (6) UK-based TKD websites | Referrals | |
Taekwon-Do Association of Great Britain (TAGB) T.A.G.B. | 4088 | |
TAGB Photos TAGB Photos on Google Picasa website | 261 | |
T.A.G.B Wikipedia All about the T.A.G.B. in Wikipedia | 97 | |
British Tae Kwon Do Council (BTC) B.T.C. | 600 | |
Black Belt Schools Black Belt Schools Website | 311 | |
Trojan Power Horse Breaker Board Holder | 507 |
Category: Useful Websites (1) None martial arts useful websites | Referrals | |
Adobe Reader Adobe Reader will open all the sites pdf files. You can fill in forms and then save them so you can email or post them. | 2598 |
North Midlands T.A.G.B.
is a region of the Taekwon-Do Association of Great Britain.
this is a member of the the governing body for Taekwon-Do
The British Taekwon-Do Council & recognised by Sport UK.